13 research outputs found

    Oligarchy reloaded and pirate media: the state of peace journalism in Guatemala

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    Oligarchy reloaded and pirate media: the state of peace journalism in Guatemal

    Literary Journalism as a Discipline: Tom Wolfe and Beyond

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    The publication of Tom Wolfe’s The New Journalism in 1973 was the seminal moment for the formation of literary journalism as an academic discipline. Wolfe both celebrated the work of more than 20 contemporary journalists whom he dubbed “new journalists” and identified the main elements of their writings. But his concentration on their individual techniques (which has proved so influential in the development of literary journalism in higher education) crucially marginalized consideration of such elements as ideology and political economy, and promoted a problematic form of cultural elitism. In exploring the political economy of literary journalism, this paper will identify similarities between the formation of English as an academic discipline in the UK in the 18th and 19th centuries and the launch of literary journalism in the US in the 1970s and 1980s. And to help literary journalism expand its horizons and draw inspiration from a much wider range of academic disciplines, the paper will argue for its radical democratization. A publicação do livro de Tom Wolfe The New Journalism, em 1973, foi o momento fundamental para a formação do jornalismo literário como disciplina acadêmica. Wolfe celebrou o trabalho de mais de 20 jornalistas contemporâneos, apelidando-os de “novos jornalistas” e identificando seus principais elementos de escrita. Contudo, sua concentração em técnicas individuais (que se mostrou tão influente no desenvolvimento do jornalismo literário no ensino superior) decisivamente segregou a consideração de elementos como ideologia e economia política, promovendo uma forma problemática de elitismo cultural. Ao explorar a economia política do jornalismo literário, este artigo identifica semelhanças entre a formação do inglês como disciplina acadêmica no Reino Unido nos séculos XVIII e XIX e o lançamento do jornalismo literário nos Estados Unidos nos anos 1970 e 1980. E para ajudar o jornalismo literário a expandir seus horizontes e a inspirar-se em uma gama muito mais ampla de disciplinas acadêmicas, o artigo argumenta a favor de sua democratização radical. La publicación del libro The New Journalism de Tom Wolfe, en 1973, fue el momento fundamental para la formación del periodismo literario como disciplina académica. Wolfe celebró el trabajo de más de 20 periodistas contemporáneos a los que denominó “nuevos periodistas” e identificó los principales elementos de sus escritos. Pero su concentración en sus técnicas individuales (que ha demostrado ser tan influyente en el desarrollo del periodismo literario en la educación superior) marginó de manera crucial la consideración de elementos como la ideología y la economía política, y promovió una forma problemática de elitismo cultural. Al explorar la economía política del periodismo literario, este trabajo identificará similitudes entre la formación del inglés como disciplina académica en el Reino Unido en los siglos XVIII y XIX y el lanzamiento del periodismo literario en los Estados Unidos en los años setenta y ochenta. Y para ayudar a que el periodismo literario amplíe sus horizontes y se inspire en una gama mucho más amplia de disciplinas académicas, el periódico defenderá su radical democratización

    Wikileaks and the Limits of Protocol

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    Special issue - Beyond clickbait and commerce: The ethics, possibilities and challenges of not-for-profit media

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    This special issue of Ethical Space explores the ethical dilemmas arising in the turbulent journalistic environment created by digital transformation and its impact on the traditional media business model

    Data journalism: mapping the future

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    The idea of the journo-coder, programmer-journalist, hacker-journalist, journo-programmer (the terminology is undecided) is gaining ground as data journalism develops both in Britain and internationally. Programmers are coming into newsrooms, journalists are venturing further into programming and there is some blurring where the two meet. Data journalism (DJ) is certainly becoming the Big Buzz Story in the media but so far little has been written about it. This new, jargon-free text, edited by John Mair and Richard Lance Keeble (with Teodora Beleaga and Paul Bradshaw), provides an original and thought-provoking insight into DJ. The first section, with contributions from Teodora Beleaga and Simon Rogers. explores various definitions of DJ; in another, experts, such as Paul Bradshaw, Nicola Hughes, Daniel Ionescu and Pupul Chatterjee provide some useful tips on developing DJ skills. • Tom Felle interviews a group of international data journalists and finds they all argue their work can play a crucial democratic role in holding the powerful to account • Andy Dickinson wonders if the growing field of sensor journalism offers an insight into what comes next for DJ • Jacqui Taylor, Bella Hurrell and John Walton focus on data visualisations • Ændrew Rininsland argues that anyone "willing to learn D3 will find they are given an unparalleled ability to create visualisations that bring data alive" • Arthur Lashmar shows how an international consortium of journalists used DJ skills to expose the use of offshore tax havens by the world's rich and famous Other chapters are provided by Chris Frost, Liz Hannaford, Jonathan Hewett, Gabriel Keeble-Gagnère, Damian Radcliffe, Yaneng Feng, Qian Li and John Burn-Murdoch

    Oligarchy reloaded and pirate media: the state of peace journalism in Guatemala

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    Oligarchy reloaded and pirate media: the state of peace journalism in Guatemal